Denis Pushkarev2016-09-01 20:51:31
Denis Pushkarev, 2016-09-01 20:51:31

GIT: how to copy (not merge!) branch from fork to original rap?

A little blunted, and fluent googling is silent:
There is a main rap github.com/foo/bar, a fork was made from it github.com/baz/bar. A baz/barbranch fuzbased masteron foo/bar. The task is to copy (and not merge with masteror any other) branch fuzinto rap foo/bar.

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1 answer(s)
Andrey Sidorov, 2016-09-02

# подключаете удалённый репозиторий к своему
git remote add baz https://github.com/baz/bar.git
git fetch baz

# переключаетесь на нужную ветку
git checkout baz/fuz
# и дальше ответвляетесь от неё
git checkout -b new_branch_name

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