vovastradamus2015-02-28 15:02:54
vovastradamus, 2015-02-28 15:02:54

Full stack (emberjs, nodejs, mongodb)?

Good afternoon. I really liked the emberjs js framework, but one front-end is not enough, I would also need a back-end part. I heard about such "packs" where everything is in one box. For example, like mean.io , everything that I need is there *, but they have angular instead of ember. Is there an analogue of mean, but with ember? And if there is something else to read on this topic, then I will also be glad.

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1 answer(s)
Stanislav Romanov, 2015-02-28

https://github.com/mgenev/nodember ? On discuss.emberjs.com, from time to time there are questions about which backend for Ember is better. Most often favorites ROR || Sinatra, Django Rest Framework, Sails.js.
Nobody mentioned PHP, but I think Laravel 4-5 will do well. Symfony 2 is definitely not.
The thing is that ember-data organizes the REST API according to the principles described in jsonapi.org and it seems like there is no point in redefining these principles, everything is quite thought out and harmonious there. The site has a section with a list of libraries that support jsonapi.
My IMHO is that the future of large web applications is still for websockets, and not for http, so I'm slowly looking towards GO, but I can't say anything about it.
Update: 03/07/2015
Found sanestack.com , Ember.js + Sails.js

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