mittel2011-06-28 14:49:19
mittel, 2011-06-28 14:49:19

Free HelpDesk for Windows

Tell me which of the free software for organizing a primitive helpdesk service based on Windows (!!) is relevant now? Tasks: ticket queuing, simple KB wiki, nothing special needed.

OTRS was advised, but under Windows it is not very well configured (by default, everything seems to be set, but as soon as you dig a little deeper, it’s a rake right away due to the fact that initially everything was done under * nix).

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3 answer(s)
gl00k, 2011-06-28

Look at this product habrahabr.ru/blogs/webdev/118884/
Although it is not sharpened for Windows, I think there will be no strong restrictions from this.

rainwall, 2011-06-28

Great stuff. We use ourselves. The software is paid, but there is a free version.

cat_crash, 2011-06-28

GLPI (http://www.glpi-project.org/spip.php?lang=en) on Denwer from goodies - integrates with OCS Inventory.
from the most remarkable - I saw HelpDesk site templates for MS Sharepoint

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