LiGeR2014-01-03 19:48:05
LiGeR, 2014-01-03 19:48:05

Framework choice. Why is Codeigniter so bad?

Good time of the day! I have been writing on codeigniter for a long time and, in principle, everything suited me! But recently there have been reports on the Internet that this is a dead framework! I would like to know what are the alternatives?
PS: Yii can not be described because I think it is not a framework, but not a modified CMS!

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4 answer(s)
Vladimir Shishmintsev, 2014-01-04

Dead in the sense that nothing new comes out for him, but it's not so scary either (depending on how you use it).

Jemeron, 2014-01-03


Sufiks Sufiksovich, 2014-01-03

I chose Fuelphp for myself - a branch from CI.
Terribly pleased, compared to the giants (yii, zf, sf), it weighs little, and the functionality hardly suffers.
Highly recommend.
The truth is on the heels of Lavarel, but I'm still in love with Fuelphp.

Maxim, 2014-01-31

I'm using codeigniter and I'm not going anywhere yet. Already a lot of effort has been invested in the projects that are made on it.

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