zw0rk2012-11-28 20:37:09
flow player
zw0rk, 2012-11-28 20:37:09

Fragmentation Mp4

I'm trying to make a seekable broadcast of a static mp4 through flowplayer (the problem concerns both engines - html5 and flash). The problem is that even if there are seekpoints (as the flowplayer's debug mode reports), rewinding to an arbitrary place in the video file leads to a full jump of the video to the desired part. This happens both in html5 player mode and in flash fallback mode.

In Google, I came across the fact that earlier (in the days of ffmpeg <0.8) there was an option -movflags frag_keyframe, which seems to make a fragment on each keyframe. But now this is no longer the case.

How would I do this kind of fragmentation? (Preferably with ffmpeg, but any other scriptable oss solution will do).

PS The files themselves are served by nginx, with the mp4 module.

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3 answer(s)
deleted-mifki, 2012-11-28

Pull a video from some site that rewinds correctly and try it for yourself. Somehow I doubt it's a matter of coding.

Stepan, 2012-11-28

I think it's in the server that gives and not in coding.

mastini, 2012-11-29

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