Islam Ibakaev2017-05-15 06:51:29
Islam Ibakaev, 2017-05-15 06:51:29

Flickity slider height dependent on slide content?

Can this be achieved? Here , the example explicitly specifies the height of the slider.

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2 answer(s)
Andrey Tokmakov, 2017-05-15

And you only had enough to read one page?
Go to the next Options tab and see setGallerySize (section 4) https://flickity.metafizzy.co/options.html#setgall...

Andrey Goncharov, 2017-05-15

The height can be omitted for the slide, and the slider will adjust by default to the height of the highest slide. There is an adaptiveHeight option, if you need to change the height of the slider depending on the active slide.
It seems to me that your content is images, and if the slider is initialized before the images are loaded, then the height of the slider collapses. There is an option imagesLoaded: true for this.
In short, see the available options - everything is chewed there.

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