Station 722018-09-15 07:44:23
Network administration
Station 72, 2018-09-15 07:44:23

Flexible hosting for client sites?

Hey! Tell me which hosting service is best for me? It is necessary that the tariff has the ability to host several sites and, if necessary, their number can be painlessly changed. The same goes for disk space - set a limit for each site (for example, a maximum of 2 GB), and, if necessary, buy additional. disk space. I would like the hosting to be reliable. Sites will be powered by WordPress (for starters). Thank you.

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2 answer(s)
ocatoll, 2018-09-20

You didn't specify budgets and everything else. As for me, you should take a vps with a control panel like ISP manager, where you can configure the restrictions you need for clients.

Nikolai Kovalev, 2018-09-20

Their name is legion, can you suggest an office or virtualization, shared / vps? There are also panels of different types cpanel or self-written ... How many sites will be visited?

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