Ilya Slobodin2016-09-27 12:03:33
Ilya Slobodin, 2016-09-27 12:03:33

First project to learn?

There is a DESIRE to master the development of software for the desktop and in the future a web service with similar functions.
Actually the essence of the issue: based on the daily work with contracts and budgets (which contain Financial Responsibility Centers, cost items / expenses and cost centers), an application is needed that would contain budgets with all the necessary characteristics and a register of contracts costs / expenses for which would be reflected in the respective budgets. Plus, the application should issue the balance of budgets, a set of contracts based on the request, and a multi-user mode. All this is the bare minimum of what is needed. What technology and language is best for this task? In my subjective opinion, this does not look too complicated. I am considering C# and Python for myself. Well, I ask you to consider that I am studying.
Thanks for your any opinion and advice.

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3 answer(s)
WayMax, 2016-09-27

If under Windows and with molds, then it will be easiest to use C #. (A simple language and a sea of ​​information, in particular in Russian)
If you want ordinary and simple (for development) molds, then the WinForm graphic library.
You want fancy and beautiful molds, but WPF is more difficult to develop.
+ be able to work with data in Excel and Access

abcd0x00, 2016-09-28

In my subjective opinion, this does not look too complicated.

This is where your mistake is. As experience shows, in such tasks there are always unexpected situations that arise during development. And it all depends on how you are able to solve such surprises (pitfalls). And this requires practical experience.
Просто представь ситуацию: ты идёшь продавцом куда-нибудь и думаешь подзаработать, но у тебя нет опыта. Ты думаешь "ну и что, что там сложного, продавать - дал товар, взял деньги и всё". Вот ты стоишь за прилавком, открывается дверь и забегает собака. Прыг-скок такая смешная, прыг-скок и прыг и лапой задевает банку какую-то и та разбивается. Ты к собаке (найти владельца) - она на улицу, убежала. И вот ты заходишь и читаешь на банке этой "огурцы мадагаскарские, тушёные в соусе чаппа, цена - 5000 рублей за штучку". И ты стоишь и думаешь "какой же я дурак был, что банку не убрал в недоступное место, мало ли кто её может так разбить".
Вот это - отсутствие опыта и заодно его приобретение.

akass, 2016-09-27

WPF definitely disagrees about the fact that WinForms is easier. So only on simple projects.

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