banananoizz2011-01-26 15:12:55
banananoizz, 2011-01-26 15:12:55

Firefox and search from address bar?

I have such a problem:
Worth Firefox 4.0b9. In about:config in keyword.URL I set the desired search engine string, keyword.enabled is true, but the search does not want to work from the address bar, or rather it searches, but if you enter more than one word. How to fix it? As far as I understand, there is a parameter in about:config, but I can't find it. Or is this a feature?
P.S. I tried not beta - the same eggs. Windows 7 x64, KIS2010, suddenly needed.
Thank you.

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5 answer(s)
prox, 2011-01-26


movb, 2011-01-26

'Certain proxy servers—most notably, Netscape Proxy Server—implement domain guessing that prevents Internet Keywords from working. In other words, entering “mozilla” into the Location Bar may direct you to www.mozilla.com/ automatically instead of submitting the entered term to the Internet Keywords URL.'

Kane, 2011-01-27

There is a nice addition for Fx, it also allows you to choose which search to look for. foobar .

Vitaly Loshchenko, 2011-01-26

I don’t understand what it’s all about everywhere :) I installed FF about two years ago, since then it has only been updated, and if I write a non-url phrase in the address bar, it redirects to the search engine itself. CHADNT?

charon, 2011-01-26

try putting a question mark at the beginning of the query. If just one word, then the browser assumes that this is a domain, not a request

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