Geronom2020-08-13 16:48:00
C++ / C#
Geronom, 2020-08-13 16:48:00

Finding and combining data by condition in ConcurrentQueue / Dictionary - how?


There is a dictionary that contains a key and a set of some string data.

IEnumerable<string> test1 = new List<string>() 
                "текст 1",
                "текст 2",
                "текст 3",
                "текст 4",
                "текст 5"

            IEnumerable<string> test2 = new List<string>()
                "текст 01",
                "текст 02",
                "текст 03",
                "текст 3",
                "текст 4",
                "текст 5"

            IEnumerable<string> test3 = new List<string>()
                "текст 1",
                "текст 2",
                "текст 3",
                "текст 49870",
                "текст 687"

            IEnumerable<string> test4 = new List<string>()
                "текст 01",
                "текст 02",
                "текст 03",
                "текст 411",
                "текст 611"

ConcurrentQueue<Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>>> pairs = new ConcurrentQueue<Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>>>();

pairs.Enqueue(new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> { { "ключ 1", test1 }});
pairs.Enqueue(new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> { { "ключ 2", test2 } });
pairs.Enqueue(new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> { { "ключ 3", test3 } });
pairs.Enqueue(new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> { { "ключ 4", test4 } });

How to get the following result from pairs:

Union #1
Combined: 1, 3

Union #2
Combined: 2, 4

The basic rule of union is that in one union there are only those keys that have common values ​​and the minimum number of such common values ​​is 3.

Then there are 2 values ​​in urls1 and urls3: text 1, text 2, text 3. This union does not include urls2, since it has common values ​​only with urls1, but not with urls3.

Tried different options, but did not get something worthwhile.

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2 answer(s)
#, 2020-08-13

let's first break down the syntax and the tag .. then maybe we can get to itConcurrentQueue>> pairs = new ConcurrentQueue>>();C#

Look here

- choose C# .. well, understand - copy the code so that I (well, it's not about personalities already) can try it - then and only then, you will get the exact answer

d-stream, 2020-08-13

If we are talking about a queue, then do not try to turn it inside out with fur. Its main purpose is the FIFO queue . That is, some processes crap in this queue, and some others are sorted out of it in order of receipt . The closest example is a pharmacy with an "electronic queue": several terminals are placed near each entrance, where a check with a number is printed at an arbitrary moment by pressing a button. And then with this number a scoreboard is displayed above one of the free windows ...
And if you really get something synthetic, then from dictionaries, lists, etc. with the prefix Concurrent or without.

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