Alexander2013-06-05 22:06:34
Alexander, 2013-06-05 22:06:34

Feedly does not update the Habrahabr feed

I pulled out the link from my feed and fed it to Feedly.
Posts are not automatically updated. When I go to the client for iOS, the subscription is empty. If I go through the browser, then the subscription is updated only when I select it.
Someone faced? Or is it just me that has this glitch?

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1 answer(s)
Evgeny Elizarov, 2013-06-06

I periodically encountered this with GR, once every couple of months. I just notice that there hasn’t been any news from Habr for a long time, I climbed into the web face, I see that the last posts are a few days old, I pressed the refresh and fresh posts came and everything was getting better again. I thought I was the only one so happy.

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