Daniil Golovin2016-07-02 16:57:16
Daniil Golovin, 2016-07-02 16:57:16

Express training for frontend development. How to get up?


A little bit about yourself
Живу в Москве. Закончил третий курс колледжа по специальности программирование.
В процессе обучения, пробовал себя в разных отраслях веб-разработки, но не мог выбрать что-то конкретное, хотя был успех в продаже интернет магазина склеенного на коленке(python/django).
В июне прошел практику в небольшой веб-студии, где занимался версткой макетов(в рамках обучения), поиском контента и поддержкой сайтов. Сейчас твердо решил двигаться в front-end разработку.

Due to a number of life changes, the question of employment until the end of the summer as a layout designer / front-end junior became very abrupt for me.
After analyzing the market and thematic forums, I realized that the necessary knowledge for a junior front-end developer is:
  1. html5, css3
  2. Css frameworks: bootstrap, foundation and preprocessors: less, sass
  3. Javascript, Jquery, Ajax
  4. Javascript frameworks: Backbone.js, Ember.js, Meteor.js, AngularJS
  5. Basic knowledge of MySQL and PHP
  6. Build and version control systems: Git, Gulp(Grunt), Npm

Pretty solid list, right?
Dear developers, please share your experience in employment. What is really needed and how to effectively approach it?
At the moment I have mastered: html5 / css3, layout with psd layouts, basics of javascript and jquery

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10 answer(s)
Sergey, 2016-07-02
Protko @Fesor

Pretty solid list, right?

You did the decomposition wrong. Split the list and move around until there is an abstract "basic knowledge of mysql". And why does a front-end developer need basic knowledge of mysql or php at all? You need to know how to interact with the backend (HTTP, REST principles, at least roughly understand), roughly understand what databases are (localStorage, IndexedDB ). In a word, no mysql/php. You'll get the hang of it later.
Or for example a list of your frameworks. We throw out the backbone - you can read about it just what it is and what it is, but at your stage there will be no sense. There are three leaders - React / Angular / Ember. Then come smaller frameworks and libraries - Aurelia/Vue/Backbone/etc.
At this stage, you should familiarize yourself with one menagerie, look at the market and toss a coin if even after that you have not decided. All frameworks today are more similar at the level of concepts, of course there are differences, but it’s better to understand the general ones and then divide them into specific ones.
ps I would also require es2015/2016, webpack/systemjs/modules in general, style preprocessors (at least the basics and understanding why needed), etc.
Well, or else - you can not learn jquery. Familiarize yourself - yes, but at the junior level you need to know how to solve the standard task of connecting a plugin and organizing a queue of animations. And in 90% of cases, jquery is not even needed at all. Well, AJAX - understand HTTP and you will learn AJAX.
Well, the last. Junior is a developer with a year of experience. This is a person who can easily solve typical tasks (you can go over freelance exchanges and get an idea of ​​typical tasks). Junior is preceded by a trainee.

Andrew, 2016-07-09

I would go the other way, CSS and HTML are all great, but it's all just a way to describe an interface.
PHP is definitely aside, as is MySQL.
If you already set out to become a front-end developer, you should realize to the depths of your soul that there was no front-end in the second half of the 10s of the 21st century A.D. without JavaScript, or rather, even Ecma Script 2015+ will not.
As such, I highly recommend digging into the intricacies and nuances of JS, starting with ES5, and adding the innovations that are sure to come along the way. And practice coding to the point of insanity, for example, on the same codewars.com
A must for thoughtful viewing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv_5Zv5c-Ts
From the front-end frameworks for myself, I made a choice towards React + Redux. the philosophy implemented in these libraries and their approach to the issue of developing interfaces completely and completely coincides with the paradigm that I came to by collecting a rake for many years on my own thorny path as a developer, including the frontend.
A nice bonus is that a good universal foundation will be laid for development under Node.JS.
Do not listen to those who will tell you about Web-assembly, in the coming years this direction will be the lot of a very narrow circle of enthusiasts.
If you do not speak English well enough to read and listen to materials freely, I recommend that you think and realize that relevant materials in Russian translation can rarely be found earlier than after 6+ months. If you want to be on the crest of a wave, basic knowledge of English is a must have. Here is a discussion of this issue English from professionals?

Fedor Ananin, 2016-07-03

From SASS and LESS it is worth choosing one thing, there is nothing complicated in preprocessors.
If we are talking about layout layouts for a small web studio, then you can forget about all the terrible words like Angular, React, Backbone, as well as the need for something more serious than the HTML + CSS + jQuery bundle.
Bootstrap (any other creation to speed up work) will be a plus not only for the employer, but also for you personally. Learned in a couple of days.

Frel, 2016-07-03


Alex Glebov, 2016-07-02

The main thing is the layout experience.
You may know all the things you wrote but not be able to use them or make many mistakes.
I strongly advise you to get the first experience in freelancing, without this it is difficult to get a job in the studio, even as an intern.

Shane Matte, 2016-07-02

for frontend development, nodejs, angular or react (to your taste), mongodb (also more convenient for anyone), well, bootstrap, html5, css3, and, oddly enough, javascript are enough :) full stack

Maxim Timofeev, 2016-07-02

points 1,2 and 3 - mandatory
4 - very optional, depends on the employer. Sometimes it's not required at all. It is desirable to have a general idea, ideally it is good to know 1 of them. Now AngularJS
5 is very promising and popular. - this is the backend. Yes, there are strange companies that demand, but I would avoid them. From this it would be nice to have an idea about php and its template engines, but rather superficial for frontend.
6. Not everyone is demanding, but many are. But again, for the frontend, it is enough to understand how to "run a request". I think you can master it at a sufficient level for you in a day.
Add to list: svg, canvas. It is advisable to understand a little about google and yandex api (maps, players, etc.)

Elizaveta Borisova, 2016-07-04

As noted above, to save time, you need to leave 1 preprocessor, and a framework to choose from: react / angular, the rest will be studied later. No matter what they say, but front-end vacancies usually have a focus either on the interface or on development. For an interface developer, the most important thing is a portfolio, while the highest quality examples (take a testing service to maximize the result), they will also appreciate easy interactive, svg and other goodies, knowledge of Photoshop, basic graphics, ui / ux.
There are other requirements for the developer, get ready for a technical interview, excellent knowledge of nativeJS, the framework device will help, and the portfolio, respectively, should consist of code. It is necessary to choose one thing, it is not worth trying to do everything in 3 months.

iBird Rose, 2016-07-02

At the moment I have mastered: html5 / css3, layout with psd layouts, basics of javascript and jquery

if you really mastered this, then there will be no problems with the rest at all.
1) sass learns in a couple of days. there are even vids on YouTube
2) with Ajax the same thing - the same js
3) Basic knowledge of Mysql and php - learn how to pull a template on any popular cms - and consider that you have completed this point - they will not require more from a layout designer
4) Git, Gulp (Grunt), Npm - same as with sass. even easier. they are just collectors. you put them. google what features you need - install plugins - that's it. hangs in watch and you can forget about it.
5) but with AngularJS it is already more difficult. but if you know native js well, then you will figure it out in 2 weeks. but I still advise learning react.

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