netslavehq2015-10-28 12:44:45
netslavehq, 2015-10-28 12:44:45

Explain what is XSS attack?

Please explain what an xxs attack is,
how it is done, and why it is possible.
And most importantly, how to protect yourself from it.
What is csrf token.
Links to detailed descriptions are welcome.
To understand the issue, I want to understand this at the lowest possible level, without being tied to the Java and / or Framework.

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2 answer(s)
IartanisI, 2015-10-28

Well, there is such an article on habré habrahabr.ru/post/66057 .

ramjke, 2015-10-28

Look at this course - it explains in detail about these attacks, and there is also an opportunity to try them out at the stand
Section 3, "web vulnerabilities" (need to register to access course materials).

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