virtualhero2014-12-24 23:46:16
virtualhero, 2014-12-24 23:46:16

Explain how to install fonts.sfd?

Help with a question about installing the Inconsolata font https://github.com/MihailJP/Inconsolata-LGC
I don't know what to do with .sfd files and Google did not help.

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2 answer(s)
nowm, 2014-12-25

SFD stands for Spline Font Database. It can be opened in FontForge and saved in a format that your operating system understands, such as OpenType (*.otf) or TrueType (*.ttf).
On GitHub, it's just more convenient to store / modify fonts in this format, since OTF and TTF are binary files, and Git is more tailored for text content. SDF is just a text format.

med1um, 2019-10-25

InconsolataCyr font in TTF: forum.farmanager.com/download/file.php?id=5259

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