Timur Asgard2016-09-25 20:26:11
Timur Asgard, 2016-09-25 20:26:11

Exceptions or validation?

Hey Guru, I need your help! Studying the principle "TTUK - Fat Stupid Ugly Controllers" I decided to make all controllers using services. Here a problem arose.
Example: suppose the login process in theory should look like this
in the controller

$auth_service = new AuthService();

        try {
            $auth_service->auth($email, $password);
        } catch (ServiceException $e) {
            switch ($e->getCode()) {
                case ServiceException::NOT_FOUND_EMAIL:
                case ServiceException::NOT_CORRECT_PASSWORD:
                    throw $e;

in service
public function auth(string $email, string $password)
        if ($this->isEmailNotExists($email)) {
            throw new ServiceException('Email not exists', ServiceException::NOT_FOUND_EMAIL);

        $profile = Profile::firstFromEmail($email);

        if ($this->isPasswordNotCorrect($profile, $password)) {
            throw new ServiceException('Password not correct', ServiceException::NOT_CORRECT_PASSWORD);

        /* логика с сессиями */

However, it is not entirely clear whether it would be right to make exceptions in the controller or still first ask the service about the existence of soap, for example?
Whereas if I have everything right now, then it turns out if suddenly somewhere else, in a different way, you need to implement login, then you will have to create a separate someAuth method where, for example, sessions are not needed and you need to send a login message.
But if I'm doing it wrong and it's better to check before starting to work with the service, then it turns out I don't go far from TTUK .

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1 answer(s)
index0h, 2016-09-25

However, it is not entirely clear whether it would be right to make exceptions in the controller or still first ask the service about the existence of soap, for example?

You already handle this moment in the catch block. Your implementation is ok.
Better create more exceptions and use multiple catches.
When necessary, file a separate service for this type of authorization.

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