Artyom Innokentiev2015-12-25 12:37:56
Artyom Innokentiev, 2015-12-25 12:37:56

Example tasks for Node + React?

I want to try my hand at Node + React.
What tasks for implementation can be set in order to practice?
Not interested in standard tasks (such as a todo list), or tasks where everything is "chewed" in parts.
Interested in the formulation of non-standard tasks, in which it will be necessary to figure it out yourself.

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2 answer(s)
Kirill Mokevnin, 2015-12-25

Make a collaborative code editor using https://operational-transformation.github.io/

Alexander Wolf, 2015-12-25

If you want NodeJS, I would suggest taking Meteor as a framework.
And as a project, develop, for example, a chat. With the ability to create rooms for communication, add messages to "favorites", search by history, attach pictures and other goodies.

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