frst2012-03-29 15:38:02
frst, 2012-03-29 15:38:02

Eternal authorization on habré

The authorization session on Habré rots over time, you need to enter the captcha again, this makes me disheartened. On other sites, you can enter your login and password once, by checking the box, and be logged in for the rest of your life. Maybe there is some way to make the authorization not disappear? Plugin for chrome or I don't know what else could be there...

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7 answer(s)
optemist, 2012-03-29

I join, I practically didn’t see captcha before, after the spring update it climbs like g_no from under the snow ...

Nastradamus, 2012-03-29

Well, apparently, Habr decided to save on session storage.

Wott, 2012-03-29

I have an idea, if it works out, then after April 19 I will unsubscribe

Chii, 2012-03-29

Beta Fox, logs out once a week, saw captcha only once, last weekend.

germn, 2012-03-30

LastPass ! There is a checkbox for automatic authorization.

Dmitry, 2012-04-25

Sometimes it asks for a username and password (I read Habr at work and at home), but the captcha was 1-2 times in six months.

Anton Belichkov, 2012-04-25

Yesterday habrastorage correctly identified me, and today it drives in circles with authorization and everything through captcha ... But in my case, the proxy that looks at the Internet with four IP addresses and which one gets there, matches / does not match, go catch it.

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