Igor2020-02-05 12:47:08
Igor, 2020-02-05 12:47:08

Eslint, how to set start-of-line rule?

Colleagues, welcome!


Existing rules

module.exports = {
  root: true,
  env: {
    browser: true,
    node: true

  parserOptions: {
    "parser": "babel-eslint",
    "sourceType": "module",
  extends: [
    // https://github.com/vuejs/eslint-plugin-vue#priority-a-essential-error-prevention
    // consider switching to `plugin:vue/strongly-recommended` or `plugin:vue/recommended` for stricter rules.
  // required to lint *.vue files
  plugins: [
  // add your custom rules here
  rules: {
    "quotes": [2, "double", "avoid-escape"],
    "camelcase": "off",
    "no-multiple-empty-lines": [2, {"max": 2, "maxEOF": 0}]

linter message
Too many blank lines at the beginning of file. Max of 1 allowed  no-multiple-empty-lines

I remove the line, the following problem appears.

The funny thing is that the rules of two different projects are the same, in one project there are no problems, but in this one. ))

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1 answer(s)
Alexey Ukolov, 2020-02-05

As it turned out in the comments to the question, the IDE has gone crazy and you need to reset the caches .

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