Abc Edc2015-05-31 18:17:18
Abc Edc, 2015-05-31 18:17:18

Error at httpBackend, what is suddenly wrong?

not at all obvious to me

Uncaught TypeError: $httpBackend.when is not a functio

            .state('user', {
                url: '/user/:id',
                controller: 'Profile',
                controllerAs: 'vm',
                templateUrl: 'app/user/templates/profile.html'

var service = {
            getAll: getAll

        return service;

        function getAll(data) {
            var url = '/user/' + data.userID;
            return $http({
                url: url,
                method: "GET"
                .catch(function (message) {

$httpBackend.whenGET('/user/:id').respond(200, {message: "Hello world"});

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1 answer(s)
Sergey Nikolaev, 2015-06-01

It was worth visiting the AngularJS branch, and here you are!
On the question: it is not clear in which part of the code $httpBackend is called, and what can cause the error

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