noRerih2011-07-06 10:21:13
noRerih, 2011-07-06 10:21:13

Erlang, Reia - for what practical tasks is it used and where is it better to start learning?

Actually, subject. I also want to know in which real projects Erlang is used.
Thanks in advance for any help.

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4 answer(s)
daonix, 2011-07-06

Erlang is used in distributed DBMS , various web servers , many web frameworks , telecoms and many other projects .
Reia is better not to touch yet. There is nothing good (compared to Erlang) in it anyway (even “real” strings are not real at all).
It is better to start learning with Erlang Programming and Programming Erlang .

bagyr, 2011-07-06

aboutecho.com You can watch
presentations from Erlang Workshop.

VBart, 2011-07-06

ejabberd is our everything

elimoon, 2013-06-26

Now we can start with Elixir , a very interesting language built on top of the erlang vm.

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