lukaville2011-08-17 16:32:24
lukaville, 2011-08-17 16:32:24

Epson C91. How to make it work?!

There is an Epson Stylus C91 printer, the following were purchased: the original cartridge, black (T0921) and three compatible, color ones. At first, the printer showed a cyan color “for replacement”, and after a reboot and pulling out / pulling out the cyan cartridge, all colors became unavailable and need to be replaced. What to do? :(


By the way, it used to work somehow, but the ink level did not show ...

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2 answer(s)
Devix, 2011-08-17

Are they compatible and not refillable? If the latter, then only as a set, if the former, then it is good to rub the contacts of the cartridges with an elastic band and insert them very strongly. It is very strong, and not just to the click. It is advisable to wipe the contacts in the printer with a tissue, as there may be ink drops on them.

andrey_kl, 2011-08-17

on the T50, I pulled it out, opened the lid, pulled out the 1st cartridge, pressed the “drop button”, inserted it and pressed it again, and so on with each cartridge. then the ink level on them was reset, maybe try it in this model as well ...

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