Vladimir Zykov2020-02-28 09:29:03
Software testing
Vladimir Zykov, 2020-02-28 09:29:03

Enzyme tests(snapshot) don't work if the component under test has @observer(mobx) annotation, how to fix it?

Hi all! I have a problem with writing tests for a project. The project has store mobx. Enzyme tests (snapshot) do not work if the component under test has an @observer (mobx) annotation.

I get an error:

Test suite failed to run TypeError: Cannot read property 'componentWillReact' of undefined


const props = {
  store: {...store},

describe('ViewModal component testing', () => {

  it('mount to dom', async () => {
    const component = shallow(
            <Provider {...props}>
                <ViewModal />

Component to test:

export default class ViewModal extends React.Component<IProps> {
   componentDidMount() {

  render() {
    const {item} =  this.props.store;
    return (

If @observer is removed, the test will succeed. How to successfully run a test with @observer in a component?
I did not find an answer on the Internet.

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2020-03-03

By using shallow, you only render the observer and don't go deeper.
The case is described in the documentation: https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-react#testing-store...

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