Alexey Nikiforov2015-01-20 17:04:58
Alexey Nikiforov, 2015-01-20 17:04:58

Entity framework: how to organize interaction with the data model through the business model?

Good afternoon.
What is the best way to organize an ASP.NET MVC project that uses EF Code First for the data model, which then must be converted into a business model (the Product is stored in the database, the application operates on the ProductModel, in which there are a bunch of fields that are not in the Product, but which are calculated from its fields), taking into account the fact that the data must not only be read, but also updated/added/deleted. Well, how to cross it with Repository / UoW.
You can describe in words, you can throw a link to an article / video / book / repository, any bast in a line.

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1 answer(s)
Sergey, 2015-01-22

As I understand it, you are interested in a simple way to create a Data Transfer Object (DTO), I recommend looking towards AutoMapper

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