Alexey2017-03-25 18:16:00
Alexey, 2017-03-25 18:16:00

Emotional burnout, overload. How to win, recover?

Hello! For several years now (7.5) I have been working as a 1C programmer, but as often happens, at some point I had an “insight” - stop “programming in Russian” ... I want to do web development, dump from the office to freelance ... well, then we'll see ...
I made a list of skills, decided on training courses and ... off we go: HTML / CSS (2 months), JS (2.5 months course + 1 month of independent work), React (1.5 months), TS (2 weeks).
The whole thing is in the mode - 2-3 hours after work on weekdays and 6-8 hours on weekends. As a rest / distraction - a gym a couple of times a week, and a series of a couple of episodes before going to bed on Sat and Sun.
Judging by what customers on upwork want, you still need to master PHP (this is so that "right now" the norms can easily join the work). But this is where trouble overtook me - I can’t force myself to study anything anymore, and even a simple educational project doesn’t raise my hand ... as I understand it, this is something like an “emotional burnout syndrome”. And most importantly, I don’t want to give up everything and I don’t have any strength to continue ...
Maybe someone has come across something like this? How did you cope? What do you advise?
Many thanks in advance!

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9 answer(s)
Philipp, 2017-03-25

You need a break. Take a vacation for a week or better for 2. Leave 2 days to do nothing. Those. the first day to sleep and do nothing. You need to "slow down" a little. Then go to another city, or, if possible, to a country. You need a change of scenery and rest. You can spend time with friends, go to the bathhouse there, go fishing. Try to make it not seem like a burden. Don't plan anything ahead of time. Allocate time and rest just for yourself.
During the rest, all the rubbish in the head will settle down on the shelves. You will make a clear plan for yourself how to study further, how to combine it with work. How to leave so as not to lose a lot of money.
The problem is that you are overloading your body. He can't handle the load. Outwardly, it seems like this: “yes, it’s okay, I’ll stretch it out,” but in fact the brain and body refuse to work.
Still, while you are resting, you can think about how to live on, because you will need to prepare yourself for the fact that after leaving 1C, your salary will drop significantly and you will have to save for about a year.
There is no point in going freelance, because it is better to go there when you have experience. You will need to start building a portfolio and a lot depends on the stars in it. There sometimes it doesn't matter what a good specialist you are, but what matters is how well you know how to communicate.

viiy, 2017-03-25

Everything is very individual.
The universal answer has already been given to you - take a break.
Burnout can be not only in the background of work, but in general about "life is my tin", an unconscious feeling that suggests that you are moving in the wrong direction.
I had such a period, having worked in one company for almost 7 years, the moment came when everything was fed up. I thought that the reason was work, I also wondered what "burned out". I took a vacation for a month (now this is a luxury) and left slowly for the Crimea by car, where I rented a house by the sea and lived without remembering work. I thought that I would let go, it was, but upon arrival everything returned literally in a day. The situation was aggravated by the fear of losing my job, but I overcame this and quit. Then he changed 3 more jobs in 2 years, and even tried freelancing. In the end, he moved to another city (not Moscow). And you know what I now understand? The ability to find a job in any circumstances is very expensive and gives you confidence, saving you from depression. And vice versa, when fears and experiences (false and real) surround you from all sides - this is the path to mental disorders. Work is not a family and not a wife, it is necessary to part with it easily. Moreover, you are in Moscow, and not in God-forgotten regions.

hufawoso, 2017-03-25

Will quit and get a job as a javascript junior in a normal company. Going freelance right away is not an option. There are so many low-skilled developers out there.

HellWalk, 2017-03-29

Has anyone come across something similar? How did you cope? What do you advise?

There were periods when I had to work for 12-16 hours for a couple of months, after such periods apathy always sets in and for several weeks I don’t want to do anything at all. Relax - it will pass.
And another important rule that I learned for myself when I worked 5/2, and at home - you need to leave work normal (not tired), because. there is another job waiting for you at home. If you get very tired at work, you may need to reconsider your attitude towards it - worry less, worry less about "corporate goals", etc. Just do your job for 8 hours, calmly, without overload, and go home. Practice shows that no one will thank you later for ruined health at work.

xmoonlight, 2017-03-25

Now you have no feedback: fatigue will pass by itself as soon as you see the result of your work in monetary terms.
I advise any break where the load on the brain is at least 2-3 times lower compared to the code: street (outdoor recreation, garden work), any games (street / set-top box / tablet), watching videos on youtube / twitch broadcasts , try switching to reading reviews of new technologies/products or other EASY! literature, designing/drawing diagrams, planning your development.

Optimus, 2017-03-25
Pyan @marrk2

It is necessary to make up someone for whatever money or on React, JS. Even if it’s for a small amount, the mood will immediately rise))

maaGames, 2017-03-25

Well, take it and rest for a couple of weeks. Schoolchildren are now on spring break, so arrange a vacation for yourself. Do something non-programming to take your mind off things.

Sergey, 2017-03-25

1.) Get enough sleep (not only get enough sleep, but get enough sleep)
2) Change areas of activity. Of course the series is good, but why?
For intensity, you can choose:
Learning programming (can be divided into areas)
A simulator
to add what will be useful and important to you, for example, English, time for friends and family, a useful hobby.
Activities should be useful and important. If you understand its importance, then there will be no rejection. Perhaps fatigue, but the desire to exercise will not disappear. You just need to change such areas in time.
Do not waste time (or rather your attention) on TV shows and so on. things. (for example, cats in social networks)
Look at Maxim Dorofeev. Perhaps you will like it.

Puma Thailand, 2017-03-26

Sex is one of the best motivators for a person and most importantly, it always works.

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