Konstantin Kanaev2014-09-15 06:49:45
Konstantin Kanaev, 2014-09-15 06:49:45

Eclipse glitches when developing an android application or my crooked hands?

Updated android sdk a couple of days ago. And that's what happened.
When I open some layout for the first time, a window pops up with an error: "An internal error occurred during: "Check Android SDK".java.util.ConcurrentModificationException" I just click OK and that's it, nothing else bothers me about this.
However, there is another trick. I delete some letter or just a symbol in the layout and the eclipse starts giving me warnings in many elements, for example: "Consider adding android:layout_alignParentStart="true" to better support right-to-left layouts" (this error is everywhere). But the funny thing is that as soon as I delete any symbol in the manifest and return it, I will save everything, as all warnings go away.
Please help, thank you in advance.

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3 answer(s)
Konstantin Kanaev, 2014-09-15

Found a solution, if you can call it that)
By the first mistake. I have no idea what happened, but when you open all the layouts, it no longer appears, even if the computer is turned off.
For the second mistake. Again, I don’t know why it hasn’t been shown before, but everything is very simple. Android has a trick to change the reading style from left-to-right (the one used by those who read from left to right) to right-to-left (those who read from right to left). I use such constructions in my layouts that are not allowed for right-to left, that's why warnings took off.
Solution for the second error. Just go to the error notification settings, and uncheck this issue. In the search, you can write RTL and, in my opinion, put 4 points in the ignore state.

DVamp1r3, 2014-09-15

Have you tried clearing the project and rebuilding?
And I would like to know if you changed or not the API version after the update?

Oleg Gamega, 2014-09-15

let it be off topic, but .... go to the idea side, there are cookies there))

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