Adiost2011-08-18 22:52:26
Adiost, 2011-08-18 22:52:26

Dynamically adding fields to a form?

Good evening.

There was a need to organize a script for editing values ​​in the database.

Situation: there are three input fields in the form (for clarity, I will mention that they are located on one line), the name attribute for each input has the form name[N].

It is necessary to use JS, jQuery or anything else to add the ability to add a new line with three inputs with a change in the name (name[N + 1]) attributes.

Sorry for such an amateurish question, but I just can’t figure out how to implement this.

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5 answer(s)
nixmale, 2011-08-18

<div id="parentId">
    <nobr><input name="name[1]" type="text" style="width:300px;" />
    <select size="1" name="type[1]" style="width:150px;">
      <option value="text">Текстовое поле</option>
      <option value="int">Целое число</option>
      <option value="float">Число-цена</option>
    <a style="color:red;" onclick="return deleteField(this)" href="#">[—]</a>
    <input name="url[1]" type="text" style="width:300px;" />
    <a style="color:green;" onclick="return addField()" href="#">[+]</a></nobr>

var countOfFields = 1; // Текущее число полей
var curFieldNameId = 1; // Уникальное значение для атрибута name
var maxFieldLimit = 25; // Максимальное число возможных полей
function deleteField(a) {
  if (countOfFields > 1)
 // Получаем доступ к ДИВу, содержащему поле
 var contDiv = a.parentNode;
 // Удаляем этот ДИВ из DOM-дерева
 // Уменьшаем значение текущего числа полей
 // Возвращаем false, чтобы не было перехода по сслыке
 return false;
function addField() {
 // Проверяем, не достигло ли число полей максимума
 if (countOfFields >= maxFieldLimit) {
 alert("Число полей достигло своего максимума = " + maxFieldLimit);
 return false;
 // Увеличиваем текущее значение числа полей
 // Увеличиваем ID
 // Создаем элемент ДИВ
 var div = document.createElement("div");
 // Добавляем HTML-контент с пом. свойства innerHTML
 div.innerHTML = "<nobr><input name=\"name[" + curFieldNameId + "]\" type=\"text\" style=\"width:300px;\" /> <select size=\"1\" name=\"type[" + curFieldNameId + "]\" style=\"width:150px;\"><option value=\"text\">Текстовое поле</option><option value=\"int\">Целое число</option><option value=\"float\">Число-цена</option></select> <a style=\"color:red;\" onclick=\"return deleteField(this)\" href=\"#\">[—]</a> <input name=\"url[" + curFieldNameId + "]\" type=\"text\" style=\"width:300px;\" /> <a style=\"color:green;\" onclick=\"return addField()\" href=\"#\">[+]</a></nobr>";
 // Добавляем новый узел в конец списка полей
 // Возвращаем false, чтобы не было перехода по сслыке
 return false;

Anatoly, 2011-08-19

The simplest option:
We make a template of the desired html but as a variable value

    <input name='name[%%num%%]'>\
    <input name='name[%%num%%]'>\
    <input name='name[%%num%%]'>\

When you click on the button to add a new line, simply replace in the variable %%num%% with the counter ++
var currentTpl = tpl.replace(/%%num%%/g, counter++)
and paste after the current fields

xaker1, 2011-08-18

If I understand correctly, then:

$("#add_new_fields").live('click', function(){
  var num = $("#last_fields").attr("num");
    $("#last_fields").before('<input type="text" name=name['+(parseInt(num)+1)+'] value=""> 
Возможно описание здесь.');
    $("#last_fields").attr("num", (parseInt(num)+1))

<tr id="last_fields" num="4"></td>
тут код
<a id="add_new_fields" href="javascript:void(0);" >Добавить еще</a>

When you click on the last button, the line "Here_insert_line" will be added before. But this code is adapted for the table, I do not think it will be difficult to adapt it to your case.

try4tune, 2011-08-18

Store the value of N in a variable (by default, assign, say, 0). Then, each time you press the button for adding inputs, create elements (document.createElement) and increment N. It seems that everything is pretty simple.

ivandanylovskyy, 2014-06-21

A lot of time has passed, but if the author is still here, then I ask you to answer why there are slashes in the code below in the code "\\" I need to substitute my fields in this script, I can’t understand the syntax in any way, and I’m reluctant to learn Java for one form. Thank you in advance for your response

div.innerHTML = "<nobr><input name=\"name[" + curFieldNameId + "]\" type=\"text\" style=\"width:300px;\" /> <select size=\"1\" name=\"type[" + curFieldNameId + "]\" style=\"width:150px;\"><option value=\"text\">Текстовое поле</option><option value=\"int\">Целое число</option><option value=\"float\">Число-цена</option></select> <a style=\"color:red;\" onclick=\"return deleteField(this)\" href=\"#\">[—]</a> <input name=\"url[" + curFieldNameId + "]\" type=\"text\" style=\"width:300px;\" /> <a style=\"color:green;\" onclick=\"return addField()\" href=\"#\">[+]</a></nobr>";

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