igrishaev2011-09-17 10:43:03
igrishaev, 2011-09-17 10:43:03

Drag'n'Drop from OS to browser. How?

I want to implement in my project the possibility of "throwing" files from the operating system into the browser. I would like it to be possible to check the file size, its MIME type and upload it to the server when uploading.
As far as I understand, this is possible using the File API, which is still in its infancy. There is very little information about this on the net, and half of the links found tell about the usual DnD on the page.
I ask those who have done something similar to share links and any information.

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4 answer(s)
korvindest, 2011-09-17

The very first thing I remember is uploading files to narod.yandex.ru, see how this function is implemented there.

Pavel Osipov, 2011-09-17

Look here

igrishaev, 2011-09-17

Here is a very promising one:

Kakysha, 2011-09-17

Well, everything is just right, pure JS and File API with examples, sources and comments: www.thebuzzmedia.com/html5-drag-and-drop-and-file-api-tutorial/

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