Alexander Pikeev2020-10-10 14:37:51
Alexander Pikeev, 2020-10-10 14:37:51

Does the use of bindings affect performance?

Will performance be lower when using Go with Qt bindigs than when using Java with JavaFx for example?

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1 answer(s)
Jacob E, 2020-10-12

Does the presence of a trailer to the car affect fuel consumption?
Will the impact be lower when using a dissolution trailer on Kamaz than with a Lada Largus with a barrel of kvass, for example?

Abstract comparisons in a vacuum do not make sense, you need to look at a specific language, and its specific implementation. As far as I understand, some Python interpreters, for example, are written in C ++, and have a near-zero overhead when calling plus code. Moreover, some of the calls, theoretically, can be expensive, and some are cheap, respectively, without specifying the task, it is impossible to say.

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