Ilya Derevyannykh2020-05-15 19:48:20
Web development
Ilya Derevyannykh, 2020-05-15 19:48:20

Does the total weight of the site on the hosting affect its speed?

Does the overall weight of the site affect its speed? Do I need to delete old pictures and other files?

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2 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2020-05-15

I can put fifty gigabyte files in the root of my website and it won't affect the speed of it in any way. It affects the speed of backend execution, the speed of queries to the database, the speed of reading the requested static from disk, the speed of data transfer over the network, the speed of rendering the page in the client browser, and the speed of front execution.

Dimonchik, 2020-05-15

affects as an infinitesimal of higher orders
i.e. type affects, but quite insignificantly in comparison with the same handshake ssl

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