redd_i2021-03-07 13:50:53
Search Engine Optimization
redd_i, 2021-03-07 13:50:53

Does it negatively affect indexing?

Hello. There is one very exciting question.

In the product category, all products are displayed as expected. For each product, the name is a link to the product's internal page (site.ru/pizza/syrnaya).

In fact - I don't need that when clicking on the name - a person goes to the product page. It is necessary only for the link mass of the site. To view product information, I use modal windows.
Therefore, when clicking on the title - I kept the href parameter, but added onclick. Now it looks like this:

<a itemprop="url" href="https://site.ru/pizza/syrnaya" onclick="quickview(97); return false" class="product-title">Сырная</a>

When you click on the name, a modal window opens and there is no transition.
Question: Will this negatively affect indexing?

Even in the sitemap file, each product has 2 entries.

1 entry
<image:caption>Две тортильи с овощами</image:caption>
<image:title>Две тортильи с овощами</image:title>

2 entry

What's the point of a duplicate entry? Is that how it should be? Might be worth removing?

Thank you in advance for your help :-)

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1 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2021-03-07

Yes, he will see everything through the

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