nogaruka2014-11-14 13:15:03
Software and Internet Services
nogaruka, 2014-11-14 13:15:03

Does it make sense to buy licensed software without registering a business?

I'm going to buy licensed software for working on microstocks and exchanges like Odesk. I live in Southeast Asia on tourist visas, "business" is not registered anywhere.
The question is whether my honestly purchased software will be considered legal (or have any legal value) in case of requests from the administration of microstocks or clients from Odesk, if I am not a legal entity. face, and the software is also not registered anywhere, as a tool for making money?

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3 answer(s)
Memorivardo, 2014-11-19

If you earn money by working for yourself and are not registered as a legal entity, then you are illegal by definition :)
And the software, of course, is legal, so if you are asked for confirmation, there will be no problems, just confirm the license number and that's it.

Maxim Shishkin, 2014-11-14

Question - will my honestly bought software be considered legal

It seems you have already answered your own question.

Elena, 2014-11-14

Well, other companies or developers can steal your software, register it for themselves, and then you won’t prove anything.
And in fact, unregistered software will be considered no one's, and certainly not illegal.

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