Nati_782020-01-17 16:27:20
Internet advertising
Nati_78, 2020-01-17 16:27:20

Does FB flag business pages on behalf of which ads are launched?

Good afternoon !
My situation - there is an old (since 2012 approximately) and decently filled out good personal page on FB, I haven’t touched my personal advertising account, so far I haven’t used it at all.
In September, it became necessary to advertise - I created a business manager and within 1.5 months launched ads from a newly created advertising account (and on behalf of BUSINESS PAGE No. 1) - as a result, unsuccessfully, because. was not aware of the rules and reasons for blocking and there were a lot of rejected ads, the account was blocked, then unblocked, but now when I try to create a new ad from it, I realized that its reputation is already bad (preliminary coverage forecast <10 for any budgets and settings - for example, an audience of 10 million and a daily budget of 4000 rubles, the forecast for daily coverage is still <10) and decided to create a new advertising account.
Created a new ad account, tried to launch an ad (on behalf of BUSINESS PAGE #2) - only 1 campaign, 1 group, in which 2 ads - 1 photo and 1 video, but when you click on "Publish" the message "Cannot publish multiple objects ". I do everything carefully, the map is mine, there are no links to the site, the rules are not violated, the text on the photo is checked - in general, the most plausible version so far is that FB does not have confidence in BUSINESS PAGE No. 2 - it is 3 months old and has only 2 publications on it , while BUSINESS PAGE #1 is much more full, it is also 3 months old, but there are a lot of publications.
Question: due to the fact that the first advertising account, which has earned a clearly bad reputation, has a connection with BUSINESS PAGE No. 1, from which the advertisement came from - did FB mark it and is it better not to use it now in advertising and work with the BUSINESS PAGE No. 2 and run already on her behalf? Or is it okay and you can start in a new advertising account from BUSINESS PAGE No. 1?
And another question - I plan to launch it on FB stories and Insta stories. The Instagram account is still linked to BUSINESS PAGE #2. If suddenly something goes wrong, for example, this new ad account is blocked, then what happens to the Insta account? Will it be possible to link it somehow later to a new business page for the subsequent launch of advertising, or will it also be marked? The account is good, personal, so I'm looking for how to be safe as much as possible ....
Thank you!

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1 answer(s)
Nati_78, 2020-01-22

Thanks for the answer!
I launched last night the promotion of a post from a new page through a button on the smallest budget for 3 days - in the morning I received an approval notification (on mobile), and paid attention to how it was written: Your boosted post is approved, Ads Manager deprecated. What does "Ads Manager deprecated" mean? Ads Manager is not approved and Facebook won't let me run ads from it?
I have also noticed for several days that an asterisk periodically appears on the tab - here in the photo:
5e28b399043ee469807803.pngit either appears or disappears ... Can this mean something, as an option, the worst thing is the cabinet being marked?
And another question - is there a rule "one advertising account - one business page" or from one advertising account can you advertise on behalf of several of your pages? If, for example, I have 4 pages (the content is the same, but in different foreign languages), can I use one advertising account and just change the pages on behalf of which they will be shown when creating ads?

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