joker332018-05-11 00:05:18
joker33, 2018-05-11 00:05:18

Does anyone know how to make div borders look like waves?

You need to make the borders of the DIV in the form of waves but with different sweeps. Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions/experience with this?
I tried it as a background, but as a clumsy solution for me - maybe there is something better ....
I would be glad for any (on the issue) advice!))
PS - the picture is how it should be

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2 answer(s)
profesor08, 2018-05-11

Make a wave on svg. Just look at what the svg path is. Your task is to generate a layout similar to yours.
Here is an example (In the field for scripts you will see the settings button, there is a list of connected libraries, if necessary.)
Here is another wave
https://s3-us-west- 2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/85486...

lukoie, 2018-05-11

Since you need different waves, you need two divs, one has a wave at the top, the other has a bottom, and make them different. And together they converge in a straight line
Here is a wave: https://jsfiddle.net/b2oytyL2/
or here I told you such crap: https://jsfiddle.net/cjw2qo9e/
It will probably be easiest for you to make a shape in illustrator and export her in svg

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