Taras2017-07-31 05:44:18
Taras, 2017-07-31 05:44:18

Do I need to memorize everything when learning HTML/CSS?

Good afternoon. I'm just learning layout and I'm interested in such a question. Do I need to literally memorize everything for the future, let's say in Css.
I'm just studying at htmlacademy, and now I've taken a lot of courses from them and I forgot not much that was there at the beginning. Do I need to spend time repeating, let's say, how to create registration fields?

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5 answer(s)
Stalker_RED, 2017-07-31

You say that as if there is some special recipe for creating registration fields. Learn the general principles and feel free to look in reference books.

PandaTheSlayer, 2017-07-31

It's just important to know where and when to use what. And stupidly memorizing makes no sense.

Victoria Yasinyuk, 2017-07-31

It's impossible to remember everything. Yes, and it is not necessary.
Try to remember the logic.
If you do all of the above, consider that you have already understood the base.

Konstantin Kitmanov, 2017-07-31

You need to know the basics and exceptions to the rules. The rest can be googled.

lukoie, 2019-02-11

Learn everything first. Then you get the big picture. Then gradually with practice you will understand what you need to know and memorize, and what you can just use the IDE hints or reuse the old code.

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