BlahBlag012014-10-29 00:42:04
BlahBlag01, 2014-10-29 00:42:04

Do I need to know math to program in haskell?

Rumor has it that it is purely for mathematicians, is that true?

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6 answer(s)
tsarevfs, 2014-10-29

Yes, not necessarily. Look at the book Learn You a Haskell for Great Good . Experience in mathematics can help to perceive some formal things. But from knowledge, arithmetic and elementary logic are enough to start.

Valentin, 2014-10-29

You need to know math. Programming is not required.

Anatoly, 2014-10-29

No, you need to be able to program, know the difference between functional and procedural programming, and simply have a desire.

art_of_press, 2015-01-06

The concepts behind the Haskell language are developed by mathematicians based on mathematical concepts. To understand how the concepts of the language appeared, and how its developers came to them, you need to know mathematics. But to use Haskell for programming, you don't need to know these things. It's like with a vehicle - to create it, you need to know a significant amount of mathematics, and physics, and materials science, but in order to control it, this knowledge is not at all necessary.
I will support my answer with a quote from the work Monads for functional programming by one of the developers of the Haskell language, Philip Wadler from the University of Glasgow:

It is doubtful that the structuring methods presented here would have been discovered without the insight afforded by category theory. But once discovered they are easily expressed without any reference to things categorical. No knowledge of category theory is required to read these notes.
It is unlikely that the methods of structuring described here could be found without the possibilities provided by category theory. But once they have been found, they are easily described without any mention of category theory. Knowledge of category theory is not required in order to understand this article.

yttrium, 2014-10-29

as a review dshevchenko.biz/hs.html

Alexander Ruchkin, 2014-10-29

Not necessary. Moreover, I personally believe that if a person has not yet changed his brain by working with imperative languages, then learning Haskell will be easier for him than most other mainstream languages, and all the complexity arises precisely because of the need to restructure thinking, but I don’t spent.
Here for Agda matan is desirable :)

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