Alexey selftrips.ru2017-09-10 05:33:55
Alexey selftrips.ru, 2017-09-10 05:33:55

Do I need to close scripts from poskoviki?

Do I need to close scripts from indexing search engines?
I have an output of images by galleries. There can be multiple galleries on one page.
A script is inserted for each gallery on the page

<script type='text/javascript'>
      jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
        // We only want these styles applied when javascript is enabled
        $('.gal_content').css('display', 'block');
        // Initialize Advanced Galleriffic Gallery 
        var gallery = $('#thumbs_4378_3').galleriffic({ 
          delay:                     3000,
          numThumbs:                 30,
          preloadAhead:              30,
          enableTopPager:            false,
          enableBottomPager:         false,
          imageContainerSel:         '#slideshow_4378_3',
          controlsContainerSel:      '#controls_4378_3',
          captionContainerSel:       '#caption_4378_3',  
          loadingContainerSel:       '#loading_4378_3',
          renderSSControls:          true,
          renderNavControls:         false,
          playLinkText:              'Для просмотра всех фото кликать по фото.',
          pauseLinkText:             'Нажмите для паузы',
          enableHistory:              0,
          autoStart:                 	0,
          enableKeyboardNavigation:	true,
          syncTransitions:           	false,
          defaultTransitionDuration: 	300,
          onTransitionOut:           function(slide, caption, isSync, callback) {
            slide.fadeTo(this.getDefaultTransitionDuration(isSync), 0.0, callback);
            caption.fadeTo(this.getDefaultTransitionDuration(isSync), 0.0);
          onTransitionIn:            function(slide, caption, isSync) {
            var duration = this.getDefaultTransitionDuration(isSync);
            slide.fadeTo(duration, 1.0);
            // Position the caption at the bottom of the image and set its opacity
            var slideImage = slide.find('img');
            caption.fadeTo(duration, 1.0);
          onPageTransitionOut:       function(callback) {
            setTimeout(callback, 100); // wait a bit
          onPageTransitionIn:        function() {
            var prevPageLink = this.find('a.prev').css({'opacity': '0.3' , 'display' : 'inline-block', 'cursor' : 'default'});
            var nextPageLink = this.find('a.next').css({'opacity': '0.3' , 'display' : 'inline-block', 'cursor' : 'default'});
            // Show appropriate next / prev page links
            if (this.displayedPage > 0)
              prevPageLink.css({'opacity' : '1' , 'display' : 'inline-block', 'cursor' : 'pointer'});
            var lastPage = this.getNumPages() - 1;
            if (this.displayedPage < lastPage)
              nextPageLink.css({'opacity' : '1' , 'display' : 'inline-block', 'cursor' : 'pointer'});
            this.fadeTo('fast', 1.0);
        /**************** Event handlers for custom next / prev page links **********************/
        gallery.find('a.prev').click(function(e) {
        gallery.find('a.next').click(function(e) {

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3 answer(s)
oh, 2017-09-10

they write that the opposite is not necessary, because Google has already learned how to render and read everything together, and this can improve positions in seo
in English:

Ilya Sevostyanov, 2017-09-10

does not make any sense, and rather it will be "to the detriment" (for example, SEO, because AnneSmith correctly noted that search engines are starting to execute JS and use this information to build the index as well).

Pavel Kornilov, 2017-09-10

There is absolutely no need to hide the code from the index. The fact is that search engines perfectly cut off all service markup elements, as well as scripts. All this is not content, but the maximum is taken into account in the usability of the site. By what algorithms - I have no idea, but I know for sure that if scripts slow down page loading, this is a minus for the site - regardless of whether their code is hidden from PS or not.

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