Lone_Wanderer2019-12-16 13:37:09
Lone_Wanderer, 2019-12-16 13:37:09

Django admin uploading multiple photos at once?

Hello. For a project I need to be able to upload multiple images (different numbers) for each product. A good example is any mail where you can select and upload n-number of photos. Can this be done if so how?
django-photologue is not suitable, because you must first zip the photo, and then send it. But I can't choose a few photos myself

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2 answer(s)
Vadim Shatalov, 2019-12-16


Dr. Bacon, 2019-12-16

The admin panel has nothing to do with it, django has everything you need for this, so, as you write, it will be so. Judging by the question, you cannot do this, then it remains to look for ready-made solutions.

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