Fqwd1232020-11-23 12:45:52
Fqwd123, 2020-11-23 12:45:52

Display information in the admin panel?

I have a function that calculates the sum of the cost of all products on the site. How can this information be displayed in the admin panel so that the customer can view it, no matter where, just so that the admin panel is displayed somewhere

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2 answer(s)
Artem Zolin, 2020-11-23

You can add this information not even to the admin panel, but directly to the front on any hook before / after the goods. Just wrap the function in current_user_can( 'manage_options' )so that this text can be seen by someone who has administrator rights

function goods_value() {
  if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
    echo '<p>Стоимость товаров на этой странице: ' . $p . '</p>';
    echo '<p>Стоимость товаров в категории: ' . $c . '</p>';
    echo '<p>Стоимость всех товаров на сайте: ' . $s . '</p>';

Ivan, 2020-11-23

The add_menu_page() function will help you . This will display the item in the admin menu.
This article will also help.

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