Alexey Denisov2019-11-26 03:47:57
Alexey Denisov, 2019-11-26 03:47:57

Display a List of Products with the Largest Weight?

Hello, please help me to write a database query.
There is a table with the name of the goods, each product has a PRICE and WEIGHT,
in the table there are goods with the same Name, but with different WEIGHT, it is
required to display a list of the heaviest goods.
Such a Request - will display One item with max. weighing

"SELECT * FROM product WHERE massa=(SELECT MAX(massa) FROM product"

Here is the table:
names     |massa  | price
 ____________ |_____  |______
песок (мешки) | 30.00 | 150
песок (мешки) | 35.50 | 170
песок (мешки) | 32.00 | 161
глина (мешок) | 17.00 | 55
глина (мешок) | 17.15 | 57
цемент        | 25.00 | 100
цемент        | 30.00 | 150

Should output like this:
песок (мешки) 35.50 | 170
глина (мешок) 17.15 | 57
цемент        30.00 | 150

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2019-11-26

Try like this:

SELECT *, `names` as `nm` 
FROM `product` 
HAVING `massa` = (
    SELECT max(`massa`) 
    FROM `product` 
    WHERE `names` = `nm`
ORDER BY `names` 

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