aihan2019-07-20 13:47:51
aihan, 2019-07-20 13:47:51

Discord bot in js?

What's wrong with this script?

bot.on("message", async message => {
    if(message.author.bot) return;
    if(message.channel.type === "dm") return;

    let prefix = botconfig.prefix;
    let messageArray = message.content.split(" ");
    let cmd = messageArray[0];
    let args = messageArray.slice(1);
    if(cmd === `${prefix}айхан`){
        client.channels.get(`599721171633700874`).send('My Message');


The fact is that I don’t send a message to the channel that the id I indicated ...

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2 answer(s)
Alexey, 2019-07-21

I can suggest trying to replace client.channelswith bot.channels
Or it's even easier to take the channel ID from the message itself

bot.on("message", async message => {
    if(message.author.bot) return;
    if(message.channel.type === "dm") return;

    let prefix = botconfig.prefix;
    let messageArray = message.content.split(" ");
    let cmd = messageArray[0];
    let args = messageArray.slice(1);
    bot.channels.get(message.channel.id).send('My message')
    .then(msg => {
    .catch((e) => {

Keenzhal, 2021-01-11

member.guild.channels.cache.get("ID").send(" Discord bot in js? ")

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