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Discord bot does not want to delete the channel after creation, what should I do?
I can’t understand what the problem is, I tried to give the bot an opportunity to make a personal private channel if someone enters a certain creation channel. Everything would be fine, it creates a channel and everything is fine, but it gives an error. I forgot to clarify, when exiting the channel should be deleted (the one that was created in the process)
if == 784772588152553492:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'id'
Create - creates, does not want to delete.
Here is the code:
@commands.has_permissions( kick_members = True )
async def on_voice_state_update(member, before, after):
if == 784772588152553492:
for guild in client.guilds:
category = discord.utils.get(guild.categories, id=734934134618718330)
channel2 = await guild.create_voice_channel(name = f' {member.display_name}',category = category)
await channel2.set_permissions(member, connect=True, mute_members=True, move_members=True, manage_channels=True)
await member.move_to(channel2)
def check(x,y,z):
return len(channel2.member) == 0
await client.wait_for('voice_state_update', check=check)
await channel2.delete()
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