Valery2021-06-13 20:58:00
Valery, 2021-06-13 20:58:00

Disadvantages of PostgreSQL?

I am writing a diploma, describing what PostgreSQL is. I wrote the advantages, but I have a problem with the shortcomings.
Who has worked with this DBMS for a long time, describe in as much detail as possible what problems you encountered?
Thank you for your attention!

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2 answer(s)
galaxy, 2021-06-13

The biggest problem is the MVCC architecture, which causes table bloat, requires vacuuming, and in many cases does not contribute to performance.
But I still advise you to google it yourself (for seed - https://habr.com/ru/company/southbridge/blog/322624/ ). It will be much easier and more useful if you google some features, and the experts here will tell you how relevant and critical they are.

ky0, 2021-06-13

"As if shortcomings", constantly sucked by Oracle-Microsoft fanboys - the lack of a multimaster out of the box and automatic tuning depending on the hardware parameters (processor, memory, disks).

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