bad_guy2011-06-19 01:24:22
bad_guy, 2011-06-19 01:24:22

Diploma in Asterisk?

Wrote a diploma "Development of a contact center for small businesses based on Asterisk software PBX."
Soon the defense, the leader disappeared and is silent. I’m asking for a little help, I’m not writing a diploma at a graduating department, but I’ll defend myself at my place, what questions would you ask while on the commission, given that you most likely never heard of Asterisk, and your specialty is “multichannel telecommunication systems”?
Thank you for your attention.

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7 answer(s)
OGGSmith, 2011-06-19

Indeed, now is a hot time for graduate students and I, without five minutes of a specialist, have a surprisingly similar situation ... I will enlighten real economists about the amazing WiMAX technology and I'm afraid that they will crush me in their own field.
What the psychologist advised me:
1) Confidence. The more confident we are in defending ourselves, the less likely they are to seek out and ask uncomfortable questions.
2) To tell in such a way that there is no misunderstanding based on the class and level of professionalism of the commission, otherwise this is exactly what will emerge at the end.
3) Theory must be known to the core! So that it was something like this: - And what? .. -Modern prototype of the automatic telephone exchange. -And when?.. -Since 1999. -Who created it? -American Mark Spencer, now Digium company...
The practical part is more fun and more difficult:
1) Always remember the goals and objectives of the project. On their basis, the defense passes and, of course, the questions are about them.
2) If someone, so fastidious, asks a frostbitten question or off topic (like: “Will it work in a nuclear war?” Or something serious, but very complicated, which you need to think about for a long time), then the reaction like this: start to adequately answer (agree / use facts), and then clearly appeal to the fact that this was not part of the goals / objectives of the diploma (“Yes, even on lamps ... But I can’t tell you completely about this, since it was not included in tasks of my diploma)
3) One of the most difficult tricks is to deliberately skip or not fully tell some aspect that you yourself understand that he will be asked 100% and prepare for this. That is, actually push him and as soon as they ask him, you will tell about everything =) But this can only be done by an eloquent and very confident person, the size of Mohammed Ali.
Well, in general, good luck!

Scorpil, 2011-06-19

Hm. To begin with, I would ask "What is an Asterisk?"

Max Kuznetsov, 2011-06-19

I would ask the main questions that you should cover yourself:
- What is Asterisk?
What does he allow you to do?
- How versatile (cross-platform) it
is - What alternatives exist and would you like to compare them with Asterisk (everything is known in comparison)
On the practical side, the same questions are true, only with an emphasis on your application (how universal it is, are there any analogues , what is the advantage of your application over them).
ps^ I myself have protection in a week, so I perfectly understand these feelings :)

aANDREIQA, 2011-06-19

He defended himself on Friday, was developing his own source code search system and outputting this case through a web interface.
brought all the tests, loads, etc.
and the questions were, “Can it be used outside of research institutes?”, “How to add the ability to work with closed projects”, etc.

Andrew, 2011-06-20

— system survivability under certain event scenarios
— prioritization algorithms in the system core
— maximum event processing delays
— compatibility with OKS7
— SORM support
— protection against listening to conversations by hacking over IP networks
— protection from listening to conversations by analyzing PEMIN
— ensuring voice prioritization and control traffic in IP networks with mixed content

bagyr, 2011-06-20

Someone from the Department of Economics will definitely ask about the economic effect, you will have to answer in detail and on the topic.
If the commission is completely off topic, and no one needs you separately, then standard questions about originality, scientific novelty and practical significance of the work will go.
Everything else depends on specific people: telephone operators will ask about erlangs / signaling / PDH / ISDN / comparison with some HiPath / integration with something; networkers - how it was all set up / protocols / what it works on / typical problems. There is no special theory, as I understand it, but you can scroll through the notes on the theory of queuing and the theory of telecommunications (we called it that).
In general, with questions on protection, you can pester not only the head, but also anyone, from the head. departments to any teacher who has half an hour of time, plus there is a person responsible for protection in the dean's office.

Vadim_Morozov, 2020-07-02

The questions will most likely be general, so first of all, you need to prepare for a description of the project itself, feasibility, implementation, etc. rather than specific small aspects of the job. If there are so many fears, then there is always diplom.guru

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