Alex Clear2019-04-16 18:03:06
Alex Clear, 2019-04-16 18:03:06

Different colors in Ie11 and browsers on chromium. Is there a solution?

I ask experienced front-end developers to help with such oddities:
1. Is it possible to leave colors the same as in the layout (they are also visible on the left side of the image in google). On the right is ie11. They are very different, and I do not understand if this is the norm.
2. I have been unable to find an answer for a month now about the difference between fonts in Photoshop and browsers. As you can see in the picture below (photoshop screen), the font is much thicker than in the top picture (browser). I heard that the thickness differs depending on the operating system, and Photoshop displays it in its own way. In general, should I just score and fill the font with the thickness that the designer specified in Photoshop? Or, by eye, choose a font with a similar font-weight?
3. You see in the first image the icons in ie11 are on top (second picture) when in the first image they are on the bottom. This is because I gave 100vh to the container and parent of these icons margin-top: auto. In Ie11 they don't fall down, already tired. Tried a lot including height 100% is the only thing that worked. But the joke is that I have this fixed menu, that is, 100% cannot be given, otherwise it will stretch right up to the footer. Please answer at least 1 of these questions, great layout Gurus. Thank you for your attention.

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2 answer(s)
tyzberd, 2019-04-16

1. I don’t see much difference, on the right IE https://habrastorage.org/webt/nx/ug/x_/nxugx_okufv...
2. You connect it somehow wrong, or there is no Cyrillic
3. if position: fixed; the binding goes to the window, as on the toaster, look at the sidebar on the left. You can use top: 0; bottom: 0; will also stretch to full height

archelon, 2019-04-16

Questions 1 and 3: show the code.
On the 2nd question:
Your font, apparently, does not support Cyrillic, so the Russian text is displayed by default.
In addition:

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