Alexey selftrips.ru2019-02-14 01:37:19
Alexey selftrips.ru, 2019-02-14 01:37:19

Diagnostic Tools Apache, MySQL, Wordpress?

Installed WampServer Version 3.1.7 64bit on the local machine.
After pressing the "update" button (record) hangs for a couple of minutes.
How to understand what is the problem? (computer I do not take up memory for this time, the processor is free). What are the diagnostic tools?
The status bar indicates that it is waiting for a response from the site.
After it starts executing (after a couple of minutes of freezing) it is completed in 4 seconds

74 zaprosov za 4,090 sec., zatracheno 15.14 mb pamyati.

is obtained using
printf(('%d zaprosov za %s sek.'), get_num_queries(), timer_stop(0, 3));
    if ( function_exists('memory_get_usage') ) echo ', zatracheno '

    . round(memory_get_usage()/1024/1024, 2) . ' mb pamyati.';

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2 answer(s)
OnYourLips, 2019-02-14

You need to profile the code and find out what exactly slows down. This can be done with xdebug and a query profiling plugin.
If the matter is in the request, then look at the plan for its execution and find out the reason.

Alexey selftrips.ru, 2019-02-14

Such errors began to appear after I restored the files (I left the database in front)
What does this mean, where to look for the error?

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