NeoLogic2014-05-25 22:59:58
C++ / C#
NeoLogic, 2014-05-25 22:59:58

Determining the maximum among non-repeating elements of a matrix (C++)

Can't figure out how to find unique elements in a matrix.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Matrix {
int m,n;
int a[100][100];
Matrix ( );// конструктор
~Matrix ( );// деструктор
void Max();

Matrix:: Matrix ( ) // Вводим размерность матрицы
cout << "Vvod v matrix \n";
cout << "Vvedite kolvo strok: ";
cin >> m;
cout << "Vvedite kolvo stolbcov: ";
cin >> n;

Matrix:: ~Matrix()

cout << "Deleted...\n";
void Matrix :: Enter ( ) //ввод чисел в матрицу
  int i;
  int j;
  for (i=0; i<m; i++) 
    for (j=0; j<n;j++) 
     cout << "Vvod chisel v matricu: " << "a["<<i<<"]["<<j<<"]:" ;
     cin >> a[i][j];
   cout <<"\n";

void Matrix :: Max() // нахождение максимального числа
int i,j,p,q;
int x=0,k=0;
int b[100];
int l,c = 0;
int max=0;
  for (i=0;i<m;i++)
    for (j=0;j<n;j++)
       for (p=0;p<m;p++)
         for (q=0;q<n;q++)
           if (i!=p && j!=q && a[p][q]==x)
    if (k==0)
  max = b[0];
  for (l=0;l<c;l++)
        if (b[l]>max)
      cout << "\n";
  cout << "maximum=" << max;
  cout << "\n";
Matrix ob;
return 0;

This code is not working correctly

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3 answer(s)
ManWithBear, 2014-05-25

Let's first give the normal names that reflect their purpose to the variables. Please update the question. And then we'll see where you're wrong.
And there is no desire to understand what l, c, m is.
ZY and variables can be declared separated by commas, like this:
and even like this:
UPD replace the condition:
with the following:
Due to incorrect logic, when checking, the same elements standing on the same line or in the same column were considered different.

EXL, 2014-05-26

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <climits>

void fill_vector(size_t x,
                 size_t y,
                 int range,
                 std::vector< std::vector <int> > &aVector)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < x; ++i) {
        std::vector <int> temp_vector;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < y; ++j) {
            temp_vector.push_back(rand() % range);

void print_vector(const std::vector< std::vector <int> > &aVector)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < aVector.size(); ++i) {
        for (size_t j = 0; j < aVector.at(0).size(); j++) {
            std::cout << aVector.at(i).at(j) << "\t";
        std::cout << std::endl;

bool unique(int aElem,
            const std::vector <int> &aVector)
    int j = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < aVector.size(); ++i) {
        if (aElem == aVector.at(i)) {

    return (j > 1) ? false : true;

int determine_max_elem(const std::vector< std::vector <int> > &aVector)
    int max_elem = INT_MIN;

    std::vector <int> temp_vector;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < aVector.size(); ++i) {
        for (size_t j = 0; j < aVector.at(0).size(); j++) {

    for (size_t i = 0; i < temp_vector.size(); i++) {
        if (max_elem < temp_vector.at(i) &&
                unique(temp_vector.at(i), temp_vector)) {
            max_elem = temp_vector.at(i);

    return max_elem;

int main()
    std::vector< std::vector <int> > vector;

    fill_vector(5, 5, 10, vector); // Fill 2D 5x5 Matrix

    int max = determine_max_elem(vector);
    if (max != INT_MIN) {
        std::cout << "\nMax element is: " << max << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "\nMax element in matrix isn't found!" << std::endl;

    return 0;

Head-on solution in C++, without the use of smart algorithms.

drozdVadym, 2014-05-26

Based on the @EXL
listing but I rewrote it with std::map

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <climits>
#include <map>
#include <ctime>

class MyMatrixInt {
    MyMatrixInt(size_t rows = 1, size_t cols = 1, int range = 1)
        reFill(rows, cols, range);

    void reFill(size_t rows = 1, size_t cols = 1, int range = 1)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
            std::vector<int> row;
            for (size_t j = 0; j < cols; ++j) {
                row.push_back(rand() % range);

    int maxUniqueElem() const
        int max_elem = INT_MIN;

        std::map<int, int> elem_map;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < data_.size(); i++) {
            for (size_t j = 0; j < data_[i].size(); j++) {

        std::map<int, int>::reverse_iterator rit;
        for (rit = elem_map.rbegin(); rit != elem_map.rend(); ++rit) {
            if (rit->second == 1) {
                max_elem = rit->first;

        return max_elem;

    void print() const
        for (size_t i = 0; i < data_.size(); ++i) {
            for (size_t j = 0; j < data_[0].size(); j++) {
                std::cout << data_[i][j] << "\t";
            std::cout << std::endl;

    std::vector<std::vector<int> > data_;

int main()
    MyMatrixInt my_mat;

    my_mat.reFill(5, 5, 10); // Fill 2D 5x5 Matrix

    int max = my_mat.maxUniqueElem();

    if (max != INT_MIN) {
        std::cout << "\nMax element is: " << max << std::endl;
    else {
        std::cout << "\nMax element in matrix isn't found!" << std::endl;

    return 0;

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