icegreenberry2011-05-17 12:54:53
icegreenberry, 2011-05-17 12:54:53

Designing a module for working with various social services

Hello. Although I have some ideas about the optimal architecture for such a module, I still want to consult with you, because I am not completely sure of the correctness of these considerations.
The bottom line is that you need to design an independent module for working with several social networks and services via OAuth in such a way that this module can be easily extended (adding new services) and connected.
So far, I'm leaning towards using the AbstractFactory pattern as the most optimal pattern for working with a single interface and implementing common behavior for families of objects.

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1 answer(s)
Vas3K, 2011-05-17

Maybe I did not fully understand the question, but simple inheritance from an abstract class will not work?
New services - new heirs.
And on top of this, to fence the factory or not, it’s already more convenient for you for a higher abstraction. I think she's perfect here.

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