deleted-mezhevikin2010-11-21 00:21:55
deleted-mezhevikin, 2010-11-21 00:21:55

Definition of the part of speech of a word?

What are the algorithms for determining the part of speech of a word?
Other than listing the endings, nothing came to mind.

 Группы окончаний:<br/>
 1. прилагательные<br/>
 2. причастие<br/>
 3. глогол<br/>
 4. существительное<br/>
 $groups = array(<br/>
 1 =&gt; array ('ее','ие','ые','ое','ими','ыми','ей','ий','ый','ой','ем','им','ым','ом','его','ого','ему','ому','их','ых','ую','юю','ая','яя','ою','ею'),<br/>
 2 =&gt; array ('ивш','ывш','ующ','ем','нн','вш','ющ','щ'),<br/>
 3 =&gt; array ('ила','ыла','ена','ейте','уйте','ите','или','ыли','ей','уй','ил','ыл','им','ым','ен','ило','ыло','ено','ят','ует','уют','ит','ыт','ены','ить','ыть','ишь','ую','ю','ла','на','ете','йте','ли','й','л','ем','н','ло','но','ет','ют','ны','ть','ешь','нно'),<br/>
 4 =&gt; array ('а','ев','ов','ие','ье','е','иями','ями','ами','еи','ии','и','ией','ей','ой','ий','й','иям','ям','ием','ем','ам','ом','о','у','ах','иях','ях','ы','ь','ию','ью','ю','ия','ья','я'),);<br/>

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10 answer(s)
lugansk, 2010-11-21

Looking at suffixes / endings is not reliable, compare:

rocks (genus) - general - knew

Are these words related to verbs or nouns?
I think there are two options: either connect a dictionary with word forms (for example, Zaliznyak’s grammar dictionary ) and search through it (but homonyms and homophones will be a problem: glass (n.) - glass (ch., pr.v.), etc. ), or try to implement the simplest parser, but here the problem will be the free word order in Russian.
In any case, if accuracy is needed, it simply cannot be implemented.

Milfgard, 2010-11-21

Here is a link to a PDF about Mystem - company.yandex.ru/technology/mystem

xmoonlight, 2014-12-21

So I answered here
... If anything, I'm ready to consult in a personal.

lugansk, 2010-11-21

The third option (hybrid :)):
1) look in the dictionary,
2) if the word was not found, we try to throw out the prefix from the beginning of the word and look again,
3) if there are several options, we do a parsing.

gonzazoid, 2010-11-21

yeah… is Russian a noun or an adjective?
If you need a really reliable result, you will have to get confused on the context.

sielover, 2010-11-21

doing, similar, fasteners, unbearable, rye

kmike, 2010-11-21

what programming language? depending on the language and needs look at phpmorphy, lemmatizer, pymorphy, mystem.

Q2W, 2010-11-21

There is a lemmatizer on aot.ru that does morphological parsing.
IMHO, the most adequate and functional tool for this kind of tasks.

ZaNaZR, 2014-04-21

I'm writing something similar, current in C++, I'll give you a hint on accuracy, you can use prepositions for a more precise definition, could you not give me your contact information for a joint consideration of this problem, I have a few questions, I will be grateful if you answer me.

das07, 2015-08-16

Look at Yandex api - https://tech.yandex.ru/dictionary/
Here is an example of usage - best-language.ru/tools/chast-rechi

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