nepster-web2014-11-22 16:13:41
nepster-web, 2014-11-22 16:13:41

DEBIAN, why is the path not shown and the previous commands do not work on behalf of the user?

Created a new user, added him to the list of sudoers.
There were 2 problems:
1) Instead of the folder path, just $ is shown
2) If you use the arrows to enter previous commands, there are krakozyabry.
At the same time, if you log in as root or enter sudo su, then everything is fine
. Tell me please, what is the problem?

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2 answer(s)
Konstantin, 2014-11-22

Read about the shell ( sh, bash, dash ), environment variables, and user creation.
In your case, assign this user a default shell, such as bash, or alternatively, after logging into the console, type "bash" each time

Armenian Radio, 2014-11-22

How to make the Bash command line prompt different...
Customizing bash
Your prompt format is wrong or not configured.

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