CaptainQuazar2010-09-03 00:25:07
Database design
CaptainQuazar, 2010-09-03 00:25:07

Database designer, with good visualization and work with the database?

It is interesting to know what programs have been created today, and how many goodies which one has, the main criteria, there are not many of them, visualization of the database model, direct work from the model to the database itself (not like in MySQL Workbench, where the model goes as one project, and another one to work with the database), well, support for MySQL or PostgereSQL.

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6 answer(s)
lashtal, 2010-09-03

DbVisualizer - as the name suggests, it can draw a model well. Works with all databases that have a JDBC driver. Tabular data and model editor, query builder, sql monitor, autocomplete in the editor and stuff like that. Actually, all my work with databases only takes place in it.
Of the shortcomings, font smoothing does not work in the sql editor :), I don’t really remember anything else.

doctorbrain, 2010-09-03

I use EMS products (EMS Mysql manager 2010, EMS MSSQL Manager 2008). Convenient work with sql queries, syntax highlighting, a visual database editor, export to a huge variety of formats, creating a dump, visualizing table data in several modes, and much more.

xtender, 2010-09-03

If we talk not only about free ones, then there is also such a serious solution as Oracle BI :

Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) is the most comprehensive set of technologies and applications for providing insight into the internal organization of a business, including leading BI applications, BI technology platforms, and data warehouses. Ranked number one in the business intelligence market, Oracle BI enables companies and organizations to gain a complete and timely understanding of the internal structure, provide a comprehensive distribution of analytical data and implement more efficient processes and actions. The Oracle BI solution is compatible with Oracle and non-Oracle environments so that customers can fully leverage existing data sources, systems, and applications. At the same time, with a suite of integrated and optimized solutions preconfigured for databases, middleware, and Oracle applications,

sergeyfast, 2010-09-03

For database design, we use Toad Data Modeler version 2.25. Unfortunately, they messed up version 3.+ (although others think otherwise :). In version 2.25 - a normal interface, draws good schematics .
To work with the database - SQL EMS Manager , perhaps I have not seen better.

Sam, 2016-09-29

So far, I have found only one solution for building a diagram using DDL or with a connection to the database - this is DbSchema - www.dbschema.com/index.html
True, for some reason, on request, for some reason he did not extend all the connections (PostgreSQL), but there was also one option - with a connection to the database. I completed this request to create a schema, connected, and you're done! Then it remains only to arrange the rectangles with the tables in the way that suits you best. There is export to pictures and even to vector svg, which is more suitable for printing. And in order to add SVG to Word, you need to open Incskape and save emf or arbitrarily large with PNG transparency.

Jo_mikoliev, 2022-03-10

I have tried several tools and my favorite by far is the ERBuilder data modeler . it is very easy to use, you can master it in less than 5 minutes thanks to its intuitive interface. It supports multiple DBMS including MySQL and PostgreSQL.

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